Oct 19, 2004

What's on the brain...

[I just spied a ridiculously large daddy-long-legs crawling up the wall, and I kind of freaked out. He/She found its way onto the desk, and rather than kill it, I just blew it off the desk, but then I looked down under, and could not find it on the wall nor on the floor. I'm panicking a bit now, worried that it will somehow appear on my leg or my neck and I'll flip out. I know- it's just a freaking daddy-long-legs. But it was a huge one...like the daddy of all daddies! It literally looked to be about the size of a CD (maybe its legs were really sprawled out). I'm currently typing while squatting on the chair so as to avoid a spider-crawling-up-leg incident. I'm such a @#@!$* wuss, sometimes, huh?]


This is really embarassing, but I've just randomly spent way too much time surfing the web for a satisfactory picture of Mike Mussina to post in this blog. All the ones they had of him were mid-pitch, when he's making a strained "I'm trying to throw a ball really fast into a small target" face... I was inspired to do this after seeing him pitch tonight and remembering how great I think he is. (A Stanford graduate and econ major, after all!)

This is totally going to make me lose my girl-sports-cred points, but whatever, he's a sports hottie, and even though he may be a Yankee now I still love him!

Here are the best ones I dug up..sorry for poor quality:

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In other late-night thoughts, I just saw "I (heart) Huckabees" tonight, and it was a hilarious and very clever film. Go see it if you enjoy the meaning-of-life type movie delivered in an ironic way with a bit of confusion and crazy characters (and Marky Mark [sorry, Mark Wahlberg] trying to be play a fireman who is against petroleum products and therefore rides a bike to his fire scenes- what could be more funny? Side note: Remember Marky Mark in "FEAR"? Also hilarious, but in a completely different way)

Ok, forget all that. Go see it because Jude is in it. Here's an oldie but a definite goodie to remind you:

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just one more:

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Oh Jude, how we adore thee.

Current Music: Rebellion (Lies), by The Arcade Fire
Current Mood: suddenly sleepy

1 comment:

Thuy-Van said...

ahahaha, i'm the same way around spiders. i get really spastic and shake my entire body to make sure that they're not on me. it all started with those giant "jumping spiders" (they were actually camelback crickets) in our basement. one time, mv and i caught one under a cup, and we tried to slide a piece of paper underneath to take it outside, but the cup tipped over. mv jumped into the air, and landed right on the spider. talk about traumatizing spider experiences...

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