Oct 20, 2004

Arachnophobia update

I was just in my room and I spied a little creepy crawler RIGHT by my bed. Those are the times I really freak out, because helloooo, where are you when I go to sleep? Just waiting under the nightstand to come out and crawl all over me? You're probably the same spider who bit me on the finger and left that huge swelling bubble for a good week or so. Anyway, I called Auddie to trap it in a plastic cup for me and release it to the great outdoors. See, at least I don't throw a book at it and kill the sucker. I still have a heart for things with more than 2 legs. Huan has informed me that he sometimes enjoys cutting the legs off spiders to leave them completely helpless. That's just nasty.

Current Music: Green Eyes, by Coldplay
Current Mood: the sweatpants kind, again

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