Oct 7, 2004

Pentagon Strike

Sooo, I got this link in an e-mail last week, but I finally read a story about it today in the Post so thought I'd spread it if anyone had not read about it yet:


It's this conspiracy theory/video thing about the Pentagon attack on 9/11 and how a Boeing 757 didn't crash into it but actually either a missile or small plane. It's kinda weird, cause I'm watching and I'm like, huh, yeah that all makes sense, where is the plane, etc, etc. But it's just BIZARRO because then what happened to the real flight and the 757 where there were passengers who died and everything? Anyway, take a look for yourself. It's just weird, how this hasn't been brought up sooner... No footage of a plane actually going in, no plane debris all over the place. It makes you wonder what the hell else is being kept from us!!! Just like the other lovely story I read today in the Post about the chief weapons inspector's final report WMD and how there was nothing really bubbling over there after 1991. Cool, awesome. The world is crazy, that is all. Click the link and watch the video-- it's CRAZY!

Current Music: Waltz #2, by Elliott Smith
Current Mood: Lazy

1 comment:

Thuy-Van said...

you're right, the world is crazy. if you want a funnier take on that, check out this video.

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