Oct 4, 2004

How do I work this thing?

Yeah, still trying to figure out how to post a picture up in my profile. Turns out you can't link from your computer.. silly, huh? So I had to sign up for some free site that hosts photos, yet I still can't get it to go. Soon enough, I hope.

I was thinking of signing up for a xanga or other journal, because I know they have the "current music" and "current mood" thing, which is cool. I guess I can just do that manually on this thing, which isn't as fun, but it'll do.

So I was actually registering for xanga, but got the dreaded "Your username is already in use," to which I always curse and throw something, because, after all-- who else picks Pouy as their username? AOL already screwed me over but not allowing me to keep pouy as my screen name, and yahoo and hotmail didn't have pouy available either. Thank goodness i jumped quickly on the google train.

Ok, back to Blogger help and FAQ...

Current music: Neighborhood #3, by The Arcade Fire
Current mood: Chaotic (the rugrats are home and it is v. loud in the house)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

swizz! i like it. post some pictures of me. people like how i look. -h

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