Jun 1, 2005

Happy Birthday Auddie!

Happy 12th birthday to my little sister! Though only half my age (up until today, I suppose), I probably hang out with this gal more than I do anyone else. That either means she's very mature or that I definitely need to get out more (for everyone's sake, we're going to say it's the former). My personal shopper and stylist (I would never wear earrings if not for Auddie) who has surpassed me in shoe size and height, and the only 12-year-old i know who can quote Dumb & Dumber from start to finish, Auddie is an always entertaining if occasionally moody (she's a gemini, after all) barrel of laughs. Thanks for always hanging out and trusting me with your 6th grade secrets. You've given me more joy than I ever could have imagined when you showed up back in '93 and robbed me of my youngest-child status! Happy birthday, Aud! Congrats, you're a preteen!

And if you thought this post was going to happen without some old photos, you were so so wrong...

Current Music: Fix You, by Coldplay
Current Mood: nostalgic


Anonymous said...

Dude, you guys got some weird noses!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I can't believe I just saw this!!! Cute pics!

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