Jun 28, 2005

iPod update

Apple announced today, in conjunction with the launch of iTunes 4.9, that they will offer free Podcasting through iTunes. (Let's just hope it stays free...) Now, I'll admit, I haven't quite caught on to the whole podcasting phenomenon, in part because I was afraid I'd get completely overwhelmed by the possibilities and I also didn't want to deal with having to download new software. But this new and easier way to access thousands of different radio shows sounds like it could be very appealing and addicting; I just might have to check it out. To think, I could listen to shows like Morning Becomes Eclectic & All Things Considered, or even ESPN or BBC News, all on my iPod! Very cool.

In other news, they've simplified the iPod family. The 40 gig has been eliminated, leaving only the 20g & 60g, both boasting color screens & photo capabilities. (The mini & shuffle remain the same.) KRAZY!!

Alright, glad I could fit in another Apple/iPod pitch. It had been a while ;)

Current Music: All We Have Is Now, by The Flaming Lips

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