Jun 22, 2005

The Onion 2056

If you haven't seen it yet, check out the latest issue of America's finest news source, The Onion. And then imagine getting paid to do what those people do. Pretty freakin' sweet.

In other links for today, check out this amazing story of a guy who killed a leopard with his bare hands. Umm, yeah, that's about as badass as it gets.

Also, Coldplay is taking their new album promotion a step further and capitalizing on their fans who are also iPod users. I have to say, I'd feel pretty special if I had one of only 200 of these solar chargers. Not only is it totally space agey and a cool toy to show off, I'll bet it comes in handy, too.

Current Music: Mr. Ambulance Driver, by The Flaming Lips
Current Mood: just dandy

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