Jun 8, 2005

Read me.

Here's yet another interesting but lengthy article on those crazy people who can't live without their iPods. Falling asleep to music is one thing (this is a must for me), but listening to music during class or in the pool? That's taking it a bit far. I love my music but I don't think I'm obsessed to an unhealthy degree, like the guy in this article. But to each his own, I suppose...

And this one is particularly relevant to all my 20-something, recently graduated readers (Thanks to Laura for the reference). It seems as though David Brooks has gotten into our heads and written an article that expresses all the unspoken agony and confusion of being a youngin' on the verge of a quarter-life crisis. He doesn't offer many answers, but somehow it's comforting to hear him talk about it, because then you know it's not just you asking yourself the great big questions about life.

On a lighter note.. nothing beats $1 pints for happy hour. Cheers to that.

Current Music: Say Hello to the Angels, by Interpol
Current Mood: ready to pass out.

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