Nov 3, 2004

Keeping the Faith

So I've moved from freak out mode, to mellow mode, past depressed mode, and now I'm in a very calm state. Ok, so my chest is constricting a bit, but that comes and goes. However, I have not lost all faith. I still believe in Ohio... there all those "provisional votes" (buzzword of the night) that are still outstanding (Why do they have to wait 11 days to count them? Why? Why not 22 days then? Or 1. Or 2?). We are definitely playing from behind, but at this point I have nothing left to do but hold onto my last ounce of hope!

One thing that seems clear is that this thing is going to drag on well past tonight (this morning). I hate for it to get ugly with all the lawsuits and courts, but I suppose that much is inevitable at this point.

Ok. Closing the book on tonight with Bush ahead 249-211, and a 100,000 vote margin separating the candidates in Ohio. I still believe!

Edit: Ok, it's almost 3 AM and I can't seem to turn off the TV. The electoral vote is now Bush 249 - Kerry 242 (could it be any closer?). But the latest shows Bush with a growing margin in Ohio, and those smug folk are practically celebrating at the White House. It's weird to think that's happening only a few blocks from where I am right now. Good ol' Kerry won't go down 'til the fat lady sings, though. Good for him. May the last vote be counted.

1 comment:

APostcardFrom said...

Well, the fat lady has yet to sing but Kerry already offered his congrats to Bush. As sad as it would be if things were to get all ugly, I'm a little disappointed in the Dem's reluctance to get their hands dirty. Why be magnanimous? If you fight and win, nobody will remember in a year. If you fight and lose, well, you really had nothing to lose in the first place. How do the Republicans manage to maintain any kind of moral superiority? I JUST DON'T GET IT.

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