Nov 22, 2004

Back online (phew!)

Oh, to be back online. After a digging mishap in our neighborhood on Friday by some contractor dudes, our Internet and phone line were cut off and not reconnected until late this afternoon. Whoa! It was a mere 4 days, but Internet withdrawal was odd and painful. I, among other family members, found myself antsy and pacing around at various moments of the day that would ordinarily be occupied by standard Internet and computer time. It was bizarre! We reminded ourselves, and I informed Auddie for perhaps the first time, that indeed there was a time when people enjoyed the comforts of home and the company of others without the soothing hum of the computer and the ease of googling at our disposal. In fact, it was only less than a decade ago. As soon as I realized this fact, it was actually nice to act like a "normal" person and figure out what I would do with the time I usually spent on the computer... I finished a book, started another one, got back on the piano, organized all our photo CDs, etc. After the first day, it was like I really was over it, I just needed to check my e-mail every couple days, but other than that I could deal. Of course, now that it's back, I have to update my blog, catch up on my "e-news" and all the rest... So the little addiction begins again.

Current Music: Jolene, by Ray LaMontagne

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