Nov 2, 2004

I Voted!

I just returned from my first in-person voting experience. It was quite exciting, actually! (Definitely more thrilling than filling out an absentee ballot!) I could have waited until the middle of the day to go when it was much less crowded, but I wanted to do it with my mom and Huan, so I got up around 7 AM to go with them. We arrived at Sangster Elementary at about 8, and by the time we had queued into the first line, then another line, then finally voted, it was about 9:20! The place was a bit disorganized and some people were complaining about it, but I just went with the flow. It was worth whatever waiting we had to do because we should be thankful we have the chance to vote! I even wore my Democracy for Vietnam shirt to remind myself of this. Auddie got to stand behind me as I cast my electric vote on the fun little machine. She even got her own I Voted sticker-- lucky kid!

For some reason the A-K line was nonexistent, while the L-Z line was out the door and continuing to grow. This made some people mad. It was a little strange, for sure. Huan and I kept talking about voter intimidation and how many people might be turned away from polls because of the minor obstacles that present themselves.

Anyhow, now that I've done my part, I'll be tuning in later today for full coverage of the election. Hopefully it won't keep us up too late... though I have a feeling it may be a long while before we know the final results!


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