Mar 16, 2005

The iPod people.

Here's a link to a great article about "the iPod people." You know who I'm talking about, you pass by them on the sidewalks everyday... they're the ones with the white strings coming out of their ears, and if you're like me you're always wondering what they're listening to. Unless you're that girl who has the volume up too loud just to prove to me that you like "rap" music. And then you've just thrown out the mystery I hold so dear. This really is an amazing phenomenon, though. I personally like to alternate my iPod sounds with the sounds of the street. On certain days it's nice to hear the cars honking and people chatting; on other days, certain songs like Interpol's "Specialist" become perfect walking music... the beat matches up with my footsteps and everything seems to be in sync--no pun intended of course.

Current Music: So Says I, by The Shins
Current Mood: same as ever these days.

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