Mar 21, 2005

Home Alone... and cooking!

So my parents and Auddie left for London today. Dad & Aud will be gone for a week, while Mom's total time away will be about 3 weeks (yikes!) after she heads to Paris for some business. I am actually looking forward to this week to get a little independence. You know... commuting in and out of work without the luxury of the backseat HOV ride, taking care of things at the house, and of course feeding myself!

This purpose of this blog post is to pat myself on the back for cooking myself a meal tonight, and one that was not only edible, but actually very tasty and aesthetically pleasing. I prepared a nice piece of salmon with some lemon/pepper/other random marinades, stir-fried some garlic snow peas (totally random, I know), and served it all up with some insta-brown rice. Delish. And it took me less than 30 minutes, I swear! (Take that, Rachael Ray. I don't need you and your portobello mushroom burgers anymore!)

Mmm mmm mmm. I'm hoping the rest of the week lives up to tonight's standard, but somehow I'm envisioning Totino's pizza somewhere in my future...

Current Music: Steadier Footing, by Death Cab for Cutie
Current Mood: pleased with myself

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