To keep everyone distracted and/or entertained until my next post, here are some fun Lego versions of some familiar pop culture themes:
Michael Jackson's Thriller: This one is a fun lil' homemade video.
Spiderman: The Peril of Doc Ock: This one is more, how you say, Hollywood blockbuster style.
And one more thing... Here's a link to a site that tells you what kind of dog you would be based on your answers to 10 simple questions. Unfortunately, I turned out to be a Pomeranian, but I think that's because I picked "small" for my build. I should have known better and picked "medium" to avoid being chosen as a little fluffy and annoying (and oftentimes scary) yappy dog. Oh well. See for yourself.
Current Music: Lovesong, by The Cure
Current Mood: weird, uninspired
Mar 31, 2005
Mar 27, 2005
Youngins on IM
Reason 237 why the "IM generation" (Auddie-aged people) scares me and I wish kids could still play outside instead of going on their computers:
(for the sake of youngin's identity, I have replaced a portion of her screen name with 'x...')
xxxxxxxGurl6: hey-ho
xxxxxxxGurl6: pouy?
pouyster: yup
pouyster: hey
xxxxxxxGurl6: hello
pouyster: hi
xxxxxxxGurl6: ur pro is old [this is where i figure out that "pro" means profile]
pouyster: yeah
pouyster: i know
xxxxxxxGurl6: change it then
pouyster: why
xxxxxxxGurl6: why not?
pouyster: it's supposed to stay the same. it's timeless
xxxxxxxGurl6: why not?
pouyster: huh?
xxxxxxxGurl6: you asked why
xxxxxxxGurl6: i said why not
pouyster: and i said it doesn't need to keep changing b/c it's timeless
pouyster: i like what is there
xxxxxxxGurl6: i dont get this MaiTai113: he is always talking or eating paper or being weird
pouyster: yeah
pouyster: it's supposed to be funny
xxxxxxxGurl6: who is he?
pouyster: sorry if you don't get it
pouyster: some kid from our vn school class
xxxxxxxGurl6: hm.....
xxxxxxxGurl6: so.........
xxxxxxxGurl6: what do you wanna talk about
pouyster: huh? you're the one who IMed me
xxxxxxxGurl6: asking you
pouyster: ok..
xxxxxxxGurl6: oh nvm
pouyster: how was your spring break
xxxxxxxGurl6: it was ok i guess
pouyster: why only ok
xxxxxxxGurl6: nothing specila
xxxxxxxGurl6: special*
xxxxxxxGurl6: im gonna go
xxxxxxxGurl6: bye
pouyster: ok, bye
xxxxxxxGurl6: bye
Oh, and a quick Reason 128:
The following is part of the screen name of one of Auddie's friends:
I saw that this person messaged her, and I went over to Auddie and said: "Who is Fa Orey Vaz Kee She Dee?" And Auddie replies, "You mean Forever Squished?"
Ummm I guess so. Maybe if it was written like the rest of the English language I might have picked up on that! Where did this concept of rAnDoM CaPs begin anyway?
Yikes! I'm thankful my childhood took place in the pre-Internet era, though I worry about what is to come for these technology-dependent kids today. Do they even know what a card catalog is? Dewey Decimal, anybody?
(for the sake of youngin's identity, I have replaced a portion of her screen name with 'x...')
xxxxxxxGurl6: hey-ho
xxxxxxxGurl6: pouy?
pouyster: yup
pouyster: hey
xxxxxxxGurl6: hello
pouyster: hi
xxxxxxxGurl6: ur pro is old [this is where i figure out that "pro" means profile]
pouyster: yeah
pouyster: i know
xxxxxxxGurl6: change it then
pouyster: why
xxxxxxxGurl6: why not?
pouyster: it's supposed to stay the same. it's timeless
xxxxxxxGurl6: why not?
pouyster: huh?
xxxxxxxGurl6: you asked why
xxxxxxxGurl6: i said why not
pouyster: and i said it doesn't need to keep changing b/c it's timeless
pouyster: i like what is there
xxxxxxxGurl6: i dont get this MaiTai113: he is always talking or eating paper or being weird
pouyster: yeah
pouyster: it's supposed to be funny
xxxxxxxGurl6: who is he?
pouyster: sorry if you don't get it
pouyster: some kid from our vn school class
xxxxxxxGurl6: hm.....
xxxxxxxGurl6: so.........
xxxxxxxGurl6: what do you wanna talk about
pouyster: huh? you're the one who IMed me
xxxxxxxGurl6: asking you
pouyster: ok..
xxxxxxxGurl6: oh nvm
pouyster: how was your spring break
xxxxxxxGurl6: it was ok i guess
pouyster: why only ok
xxxxxxxGurl6: nothing specila
xxxxxxxGurl6: special*
xxxxxxxGurl6: im gonna go
xxxxxxxGurl6: bye
pouyster: ok, bye
xxxxxxxGurl6: bye
Oh, and a quick Reason 128:
The following is part of the screen name of one of Auddie's friends:
I saw that this person messaged her, and I went over to Auddie and said: "Who is Fa Orey Vaz Kee She Dee?" And Auddie replies, "You mean Forever Squished?"
Ummm I guess so. Maybe if it was written like the rest of the English language I might have picked up on that! Where did this concept of rAnDoM CaPs begin anyway?
Yikes! I'm thankful my childhood took place in the pre-Internet era, though I worry about what is to come for these technology-dependent kids today. Do they even know what a card catalog is? Dewey Decimal, anybody?
March Madness, etc.
So I have to give Nathaniel credit for making me loyal to yet another Illinois sports team (or at least dare not root for their opponent). Tonight's win over Arizona was probably the most incredible finish to a game I've ever seen. With less than 5 minutes left and the Illini down 15, I was already thinking of ways we would have to console Natty and how the rest of the night would be a total downer. But as we all saw (and still may not believe), they completed an amazing and improbable comeback to stun Arizona while almost causing my heart to jump out of my chest on multiple occasions. Amazing, really. What is it about March Madness that allows for these buzzer-beating, multiple overtime events that under any other circumstance would not occur? Whatever it is, it's some of the greatest stuff to watch--ever. I just love it.
On top of the lovely game drama, I have to thank Bac Jojo for having me over for dinner and preparing one of my favorite dishes, thit bo xao khoai tay (stir fried beef with potatoes-- simple but always so satisfying), which was only enhanced by Co Ti's delicious and spicy nuoc mam (you all should know this one is fish sauce-- much more delicious than its name implies!). It was a delightful home cooked meal which over the past week I had missed! At least Dad & Auddie return tomorrow so that should be nice. I'm starting to fail at the whole 'taking care of the house thing.' Kim was kind enough to point this out to me today when she noticed some old pomelos that needed to be thrown out, as well as the dishwasher overflowing with suds.. probably not a good sign. Well, it was good training while it lasted!
Current Music: In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, by Neutral Milk Hotel
Current Mood: pensive
On top of the lovely game drama, I have to thank Bac Jojo for having me over for dinner and preparing one of my favorite dishes, thit bo xao khoai tay (stir fried beef with potatoes-- simple but always so satisfying), which was only enhanced by Co Ti's delicious and spicy nuoc mam (you all should know this one is fish sauce-- much more delicious than its name implies!). It was a delightful home cooked meal which over the past week I had missed! At least Dad & Auddie return tomorrow so that should be nice. I'm starting to fail at the whole 'taking care of the house thing.' Kim was kind enough to point this out to me today when she noticed some old pomelos that needed to be thrown out, as well as the dishwasher overflowing with suds.. probably not a good sign. Well, it was good training while it lasted!
Current Music: In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, by Neutral Milk Hotel
Current Mood: pensive
Mar 21, 2005
New sidebar feature
I've just added a new section to my sidebar that I like to call "Current musical fixation." This is where I will be able to share with you what is getting the most airplay from me. It's the music/album/artist I'm obsessing over at the moment, what I can't get enough of, what is constantly impressing me to the point where I feel I have to tell everyone else about it. The concept may change in the future, but that's what it is for now. I welcome discussion on the matter and am always interested in your musical fixations as well, so feel free to share.
Home Alone... and cooking!
So my parents and Auddie left for London today. Dad & Aud will be gone for a week, while Mom's total time away will be about 3 weeks (yikes!) after she heads to Paris for some business. I am actually looking forward to this week to get a little independence. You know... commuting in and out of work without the luxury of the backseat HOV ride, taking care of things at the house, and of course feeding myself!
This purpose of this blog post is to pat myself on the back for cooking myself a meal tonight, and one that was not only edible, but actually very tasty and aesthetically pleasing. I prepared a nice piece of salmon with some lemon/pepper/other random marinades, stir-fried some garlic snow peas (totally random, I know), and served it all up with some insta-brown rice. Delish. And it took me less than 30 minutes, I swear! (Take that, Rachael Ray. I don't need you and your portobello mushroom burgers anymore!)
Mmm mmm mmm. I'm hoping the rest of the week lives up to tonight's standard, but somehow I'm envisioning Totino's pizza somewhere in my future...
Current Music: Steadier Footing, by Death Cab for Cutie
Current Mood: pleased with myself
This purpose of this blog post is to pat myself on the back for cooking myself a meal tonight, and one that was not only edible, but actually very tasty and aesthetically pleasing. I prepared a nice piece of salmon with some lemon/pepper/other random marinades, stir-fried some garlic snow peas (totally random, I know), and served it all up with some insta-brown rice. Delish. And it took me less than 30 minutes, I swear! (Take that, Rachael Ray. I don't need you and your portobello mushroom burgers anymore!)
Mmm mmm mmm. I'm hoping the rest of the week lives up to tonight's standard, but somehow I'm envisioning Totino's pizza somewhere in my future...
Current Music: Steadier Footing, by Death Cab for Cutie
Current Mood: pleased with myself
Mar 20, 2005
Save Toby
This is slightly old news, but still ridiculous enough to link and discuss. So this guy is running a site to "Save Toby," a cute little bunny rabbit, which he claims he will eat on June 30 unless he receives $50,000 through the website. Some sources say it's a hoax, but either way, it's kinda nuts. People are so crazy, but I guess nothing is too surprising anymore. See the Save Toby site for yourself... and if you're crazy enough, donate some dough to the cause. Believe it or not, Toby's already gotten $18k+ in his name as of today!
Current Music: The Real Thing, by Kenny Loggins
Current Mood: content
Current Music: The Real Thing, by Kenny Loggins
Current Mood: content
Mar 18, 2005
God damn right, it's a beautiful day
This weather is rejuvenating me. (Seasonal Affective Disorder, anyone?) Looks like spring is right around the bend and finally ready to rescue us from the winter misery! I'm loving it and ready for some flip flops and driving with the windows down.
Current Music: Mr. E's Beautiful Blues, by the Eels
Current Mood: great
Current Music: Mr. E's Beautiful Blues, by the Eels
Current Mood: great
Mar 16, 2005
The iPod people.
Here's a link to a great article about "the iPod people." You know who I'm talking about, you pass by them on the sidewalks everyday... they're the ones with the white strings coming out of their ears, and if you're like me you're always wondering what they're listening to. Unless you're that girl who has the volume up too loud just to prove to me that you like "rap" music. And then you've just thrown out the mystery I hold so dear. This really is an amazing phenomenon, though. I personally like to alternate my iPod sounds with the sounds of the street. On certain days it's nice to hear the cars honking and people chatting; on other days, certain songs like Interpol's "Specialist" become perfect walking music... the beat matches up with my footsteps and everything seems to be in sync--no pun intended of course.
Current Music: So Says I, by The Shins
Current Mood: same as ever these days.
Current Music: So Says I, by The Shins
Current Mood: same as ever these days.
Mar 15, 2005
"What's a Gyme?...Oh, a Gyme!"
Laura and I had a hilarious/frustrating/true to life discussion today regarding our gym habits. I was telling her how exhausted I was for some strange reason, so after already skipping yesterday's gym slot, I was also forgoing today's scheduled time and felt so bad about it. She told me she had skipped out to the gym during her lunch today just to fit it in.
It was at this point we both realized how both our lives had officially been taken over by our gym an unhealthy obsession of a very healthy activity.
When did our lives become work-gym-dinner-TV-sleep? That seems to be the usual routine, and if we stray from it we don't know what to do... the guilt, the voice in the back of your head. It's not even necessarily about the exercise aspect (I don't want to come off as someone with a "problem"). I don't worry that I'm going to gain five pounds, and I won't skip dinner if I miss the gym... it's more just the idea and routine so embedded in your brain that it becomes as regular as brushing your teeth. If you skip it, you feel bad/gross/lazy. It's a strange situation. Back in college, the more I skipped, the more easily I fell off the wagon and wouldn't go for weeks (and I was ok with that). Now it's like the more I go, the more I have to keep going, no matter what, when, how (Ok, now I'm starting to sound like I have a problem.)
Seriously though, it's getting to become just "what I do" because I'm so accustomed to how it fits into my day. Yesterday Kam & Cory came up into the city to do some museums and hang out, and they asked me to meet them for dinner. I agreed, but only after I went to the gym. When they were done with their agenda earlier than expected, they called me and asked me to hang out since they were just walking around the city streets. I told them I could let them into Huan's apartment to kill time while I went to the gym, then we could have dinner. I mean-- Who does that? I realized how ridiculous that idea was after replaying the conversation in my head, and that's when I decided to skip the gym and instead hang_out_with_people_that_I_don't_see_very_often. Doesn't seem like a difficult decision, right? I'm telling you, this is bad and very strange.
Oh, the days of college when I hopped on the crummy elliptical for a good 20-25 minutes just to barely work off the calories of one beer. How I yearn to be so carefree again. For now, it's back to the gym tomorrow to make up for my bad start on the week...
After all, I've only got about 2.5 weeks til the 10-miler.. gotta keep up my form!
Current Music: Born to Make You Happy, by Britney Spears
Current Mood: tired.
It was at this point we both realized how both our lives had officially been taken over by our gym an unhealthy obsession of a very healthy activity.
When did our lives become work-gym-dinner-TV-sleep? That seems to be the usual routine, and if we stray from it we don't know what to do... the guilt, the voice in the back of your head. It's not even necessarily about the exercise aspect (I don't want to come off as someone with a "problem"). I don't worry that I'm going to gain five pounds, and I won't skip dinner if I miss the gym... it's more just the idea and routine so embedded in your brain that it becomes as regular as brushing your teeth. If you skip it, you feel bad/gross/lazy. It's a strange situation. Back in college, the more I skipped, the more easily I fell off the wagon and wouldn't go for weeks (and I was ok with that). Now it's like the more I go, the more I have to keep going, no matter what, when, how (Ok, now I'm starting to sound like I have a problem.)
Seriously though, it's getting to become just "what I do" because I'm so accustomed to how it fits into my day. Yesterday Kam & Cory came up into the city to do some museums and hang out, and they asked me to meet them for dinner. I agreed, but only after I went to the gym. When they were done with their agenda earlier than expected, they called me and asked me to hang out since they were just walking around the city streets. I told them I could let them into Huan's apartment to kill time while I went to the gym, then we could have dinner. I mean-- Who does that? I realized how ridiculous that idea was after replaying the conversation in my head, and that's when I decided to skip the gym and instead hang_out_with_people_that_I_don't_see_very_often. Doesn't seem like a difficult decision, right? I'm telling you, this is bad and very strange.
Oh, the days of college when I hopped on the crummy elliptical for a good 20-25 minutes just to barely work off the calories of one beer. How I yearn to be so carefree again. For now, it's back to the gym tomorrow to make up for my bad start on the week...
After all, I've only got about 2.5 weeks til the 10-miler.. gotta keep up my form!
Current Music: Born to Make You Happy, by Britney Spears
Current Mood: tired.
Mar 13, 2005
Breaking Idol News!
I'm still in shock after hearing a moment ago on Fox 10 o'clock news that my American Idol favorite, Mario Vasquez, has quit! No details yet, except to say that he withdrew from the competition for "personal reasons." So now Nikko is back, and Mario's out. This is sad.. I'm very disappointed. I think the competition has totally changed now, as it was clear Mario was a fave to win the whole thing, and he was definitely Anwar's closest competition on the guys' side. Well, bummer. Now I guess I gotta with Anwar all the way!... Why, Mario, why?
. . .
Suddenly the story has gotten fishy. The latest rumors include the following:
-Mario bailed because of poor living conditions at the Idol ranch
-he was not happy about the contract he had to sign to be in the top 12 and beyond
-he already had outside contract opportunities and just bailed once he made it to the top 12
This is all so bizarre. Somehow, it seems like he's getting exactly what he wants right now. Every Idol fan is talking about him and only him right now-- can't beat that for exposure! Guess there will only be more speculation until the truth is revealed...the rumors are getting more and more far-fetched... Stay tuned til tomorrow for more answers!
Current Music: Take Care, by Yo La Tengo
Current Mood: shocked! confused! sad.
. . .
Suddenly the story has gotten fishy. The latest rumors include the following:
-Mario bailed because of poor living conditions at the Idol ranch
-he was not happy about the contract he had to sign to be in the top 12 and beyond
-he already had outside contract opportunities and just bailed once he made it to the top 12
This is all so bizarre. Somehow, it seems like he's getting exactly what he wants right now. Every Idol fan is talking about him and only him right now-- can't beat that for exposure! Guess there will only be more speculation until the truth is revealed...the rumors are getting more and more far-fetched... Stay tuned til tomorrow for more answers!
Current Music: Take Care, by Yo La Tengo
Current Mood: shocked! confused! sad.
Mar 12, 2005
Happy St. Patty's Day (weekend)!

Huan and I started off the day by participating in the annual St. Patrick's Day 10K downtown! It was a last-minute decision, and even though cold temps and possible preciptation was forecasted, we decided to go for it anyway. Luckily, the sun was shining and there was no sign of rain/snow, so it ended up being a great morning for a run. We ran down "historic" Pennsylvania Ave. toward the Capitol, then did a bunch of other loops around the area before finishing back by Freedom Plaza/Ronald Reagan building. Quite nice.
The good news is, I finished! After a bit of a slow start and some shin pain, I ran a great second half of the race and felt great when I crossed the finish line. It was once again a very satisfying experience, and I was glad we decided to do it. There were tons of folks out there! Some were in very spirited green, and we even enjoyed some bagpipe entertainment along the way.
Anywho. I'm off to the Shamrock Fest. in the Ballston area this afternoon-- lots of food, drinks, and music. I'm glad I got my exercise out of the way before enjoying what is sure to be a gluttonous afternoon and evening! Tata...
Current Music: Everyday, by Dave Matthews Band
Current Mood: excellent
Mar 9, 2005
Another Auddie-ism
So we were just sitting and watching the Dan Rather special, and they did this little montage showing some of the most significant historical moments he covered, and they get to a clip of Nelson Mandela casting his ballot in the first election in South Africa. This is the dialogue:
"Pouy, you know that guy... the one in Million Dollar Baby..."
"Yeah..." (I'm thinking, Clint Eastwood?)
"Why was he just shown casting a ballot on TV?"
"Huh?" (still confused)... (and finally getting it)..."Auddie..That was Nelson Mandela. Not Morgan Freeman."
"Oh. Well they look alike."
(It's true, they do look alike. That's probably one of the reasons they got Morgan to play Nelson in the film adaptation of Long Walk to Freedom.)
But it was still a funny Auddie moment.
In other news, we're onto the American Idol top 12! Mario (or Anwar) all the way! And regrets to our BobbyBrown-singing and dancing wahoo, Travis Tucker. At least you have that good UVA education to fall back on!
Current Music: Pacific Theme, by Broken Social Scene
Current Mood: relaxed
"Pouy, you know that guy... the one in Million Dollar Baby..."
"Yeah..." (I'm thinking, Clint Eastwood?)
"Why was he just shown casting a ballot on TV?"
"Huh?" (still confused)... (and finally getting it)..."Auddie..That was Nelson Mandela. Not Morgan Freeman."
"Oh. Well they look alike."
(It's true, they do look alike. That's probably one of the reasons they got Morgan to play Nelson in the film adaptation of Long Walk to Freedom.)
But it was still a funny Auddie moment.
In other news, we're onto the American Idol top 12! Mario (or Anwar) all the way! And regrets to our BobbyBrown-singing and dancing wahoo, Travis Tucker. At least you have that good UVA education to fall back on!
Current Music: Pacific Theme, by Broken Social Scene
Current Mood: relaxed
Mar 7, 2005
What better place for a "celeb" sighting than CVS?
So I had my first great DC-celeb sighting today, and it was a true Washington moment. Since I had a small lunch today, I decided I wanted to stop and pick up a snack after I left work. I headed across the street to the CVS on Connecticut right by the Farragut North stop. As I'm walking in, I get a call from Gretchen, who is enjoying her first day back in the U.S. after six months or so away in Paris. We're briefly catching up when I have to stop and whisper to her, "Oh my god, I think I just passed by Jenna Bush!" Then I proceed to say "Hold on, I have to see what she's buying." So I'm being totally shady and walking the aisles, while still talking to Gretch, who is totally living vicariously and getting extremely excited with me. I spot Jenna picking up some Vaseline Intensive Care lotion (Who would have thought? She seemed like a Kiehl's girl to me.) Then, just as I spin around to tell Gretch, I brush shoulders (ok, perhaps a slight exaggeration, but you weren't there, how do you know?) with Barbara, who is also shopping at this CVS! So clearly I become awkward as I'm talking to Gretch about the Bushes and they are in very close proximity to me. I keep trying to get away-- I think I headed for the wart-treatment aisle, and I'm blabbering on like "Oh my god! They're both here! This is wild!" and then Barbara appears at the end of the aisle, apparently looking around for Jenna. So of course, I just start laughing and trying to change the subject on the phone, but cannot, this is all too funny. As soon as Barb disappears, it seems I run into Jenna going the other direction. (Yes, the Bush twins were stalking me in CVS.) So I decide I have to call Gretch back, "acting natural" with her on the phone is not working well. Just then, I make a quick run to grab my bag of Funyuns, then I dart for the cash register to catch the twins on their way out.
I'm looking around, and it seems no one else in the place has noticed, nor acknowledged the Bush gals at the front counter, even though they are very recognizable standing next to one another. Jenna pulls out her checkbook to pay for her things (looked like she was also buying some school supplies... for her teaching job?), and the clerk asks for her ID. I'm thinking, this should be good. She glances at her ID, then back up at Jenna's face, kind of scrunches her eyebrows, starts to say something, but then holds back. Then Barbara darts out of the store, perhaps anticipating that she was about to be called out, or maybe because of the slow transaction time. Anyway, when Jenna finishes checking out, I quickly move up in line to jump up to the same clerk. She turns to her friend at the next register and says, "I swear that name looked familiar... Jenna Bush?..." Her friend is distant, not really paying attention, so I chime in, "Yeah, those girls were the President's daughters." The lady goes "Are you for real? No way!" And I'm like "Yeah, I'm positive!" Then she's like "I knew that name was familiar! She looked like her dad, actually, now that I think of it..." (one of those classic "after the fact" observances). Then she turns to her friend and tells her about it, and the girl who was out of it a moment ago suddenly gets excited and says "Are you serious?? We just waited on the President's daughters right here in front of us? Those two girls??" It was priceless. It felt like that moment in "The American President" when Michael Douglas walks into the florist and the woman faints.
So that was the highlight of my day! I ran out of the store to see if I could figure out where they were headed, but they had disappeared. Strangely, I never noticed any Secret Service dudes hanging around in CVS, but maybe they were "undercover" (do they do that??)... or standing outside the door? Don't know. But I think that's just enough excitement for one Monday afternoon, wouldn't you say?
Current Music: Ship of Fools, by Erasure
Current Mood: excited but strangely v. tired at the same time
I'm looking around, and it seems no one else in the place has noticed, nor acknowledged the Bush gals at the front counter, even though they are very recognizable standing next to one another. Jenna pulls out her checkbook to pay for her things (looked like she was also buying some school supplies... for her teaching job?), and the clerk asks for her ID. I'm thinking, this should be good. She glances at her ID, then back up at Jenna's face, kind of scrunches her eyebrows, starts to say something, but then holds back. Then Barbara darts out of the store, perhaps anticipating that she was about to be called out, or maybe because of the slow transaction time. Anyway, when Jenna finishes checking out, I quickly move up in line to jump up to the same clerk. She turns to her friend at the next register and says, "I swear that name looked familiar... Jenna Bush?..." Her friend is distant, not really paying attention, so I chime in, "Yeah, those girls were the President's daughters." The lady goes "Are you for real? No way!" And I'm like "Yeah, I'm positive!" Then she's like "I knew that name was familiar! She looked like her dad, actually, now that I think of it..." (one of those classic "after the fact" observances). Then she turns to her friend and tells her about it, and the girl who was out of it a moment ago suddenly gets excited and says "Are you serious?? We just waited on the President's daughters right here in front of us? Those two girls??" It was priceless. It felt like that moment in "The American President" when Michael Douglas walks into the florist and the woman faints.
So that was the highlight of my day! I ran out of the store to see if I could figure out where they were headed, but they had disappeared. Strangely, I never noticed any Secret Service dudes hanging around in CVS, but maybe they were "undercover" (do they do that??)... or standing outside the door? Don't know. But I think that's just enough excitement for one Monday afternoon, wouldn't you say?
Current Music: Ship of Fools, by Erasure
Current Mood: excited but strangely v. tired at the same time
Mar 6, 2005
Google Fight
Here's a fun little site I found (not affiliated with Google) that pits two different google searches against one another and tells you who has more google results. There's really nothing else to it, just a fun thing to check out if you're curious. After all, aren't we all wondering who wins the battle between Britney/Christina, or Brad/Jen, etc...?
Current Music: Interstate Love Song, by Stone Temple Pilots
Current Mood: mellow
Current Music: Interstate Love Song, by Stone Temple Pilots
Current Mood: mellow
Mar 4, 2005
This is what I get for trying to be "social"...
So it seems I'm currently in a "Gay Bar" phase, thanks to Kam who twice in a week has invited me out with her to gay bars. (Is she trying to tell us something? Jk... we were out meeting some of her friends from Mary Wash.) The first incident was a surprise to me as I suddenly found myself standing beneath a large awning and a big rainbow flag. When Kam called me and asked me to go out, I was reluctant as usual, being the homebody that I am, but then I convinced myself that I had to be more social, and hey, maybe I'll even meet somebody. After all, one cannot meet a future husband if one is at home on couch. So upon discovering we'd be spending the evening at a gay establishment, I said some expletives to myself as I realized tonight wasn't going to be that night of love at first sight (at least not mutual). If I was going to meet my future husband (ok, let's settle for future boyfriend for now, how bout that), it was not going to be here.
But I did know that the night could still be a ton of fun and good story telling at the least. I was definitely right. Among other things, there were the shirtless bartender sightings on the dancefloor level of the bar and nice chats with some random friendly guys about their Oscar parties. The highlight of the evening, however, was when a friend of Kam's was talking to some guy who turned to me and said, "Oh, you're single? My brother's here, he's straight, we should introduce you!!" This could be interesting and/or funny, I thought to myself... let's see what happens. Onward we go, through the crowded bar until suddenly we run into this guy's brother, and we're all standing around in an awkward circle, shaking hands, exchanging names. Then, quickly, almost in a whisper, the guy turns to me and says "Oh there's just one thing! My brother doesn't speak English." From here, the whole situation kind of slowed down in my mind and became kind of like a dream sequence (you know, when nothing really makes sense and new characters arrive out of nowhere and the next thing you know you're in a completely different place). All I know is that Kam, buzzed off her 3/4 of a beer, comes up with "I don't like the white car" (apparently the one line of Spanish she knows), and I'm just blank. I don't even remember what happens next except that we acknowledge that the guy was actually pretty good looking (not sure if it was the vodka talking though) and it could be hilarious to try and have a "Love Actually" Colin Firth moment with him. Well, that never happened, because like I said, weird dream sequence, and suddenly we were back where we started and I have no idea what happened to the Spanish guy. Such is my luck, I suppose. The one straight guy in the establishment and he doesn't speak a lick of English! Whoo!
So I guess it should come as some surprise that after that night I would consider going back to a gay bar, let alone less than a week later (!). Last night, I was forewarned about the venue but was enticed by the prospect of playing Family Feud hosted by a drag queen. What I didn't actually understand was that we would actually be on stage, like, as the entertainment for the bar. I thought it'd just be good ol' trivia style that involved everyone at their booths and tables, but noo, it was actually real game show style, and we'd been pre-registered as one of this week's teams.
In a strange turn of events, Kam's gay friend who was supposed to be out with us backed out last minute, leaving 4 straight girls on a Family Feud team named "The Asians." Luckily, this bar was slightly less crowded than the previous one, and it seemed to be just a few regulars hanging around, and we didn't have to worry about being laughed off the stage or anything. Once I settled into my free drink, I was actually excited about playing the Feud!! After all, isn't it everyone's dream to actually participate in one of the best game shows ever? The sad part was "The Asians" were terrible and we were embarassed by our opponents. That also meant I didn't get a chance to play the speed round, one of my favorite parts of the game. It was still a great time, though, and probably the closest I'll get to real game show fame, unless I decide to go out to Cali again to play the Price is Right before Bob Barker turns 150 years old.
Let me ask you this, though. If you were to name a character from "Sesame Street" and you were up at the podium playing the Feud, who would you pick? (That is, which character would you expect to be the #1 answer?) I said Big Bird and I thought we would own the board. BAAAAA (wrong!!), Big Bird was the #5 answer! Robbery!! (Oscar was #1) I'm not sure who was polled in this survey but I guess it made sense after hearing some of the previous questions. "Monkey" and "Tarzan" appeared as the top answers to the question "Name something that you see in a tree," while "Cat" did not (Cat was Kam's answer, which was a bad face-off answer, but still a somewhat sensible choice).
Anyway, that's my gay bar update. Although Lavenia, the beautiful drag queen host, insisted we come back to play the Feud again, I'm not sure that I should begin to become a regular just yet. I've already told Kam and her friends that the next time we go out it will have to be at a place where the good looking men we see are actually potentially interested. I didn't mind not waiting in line for the ladies' room, though...
Current Music: Across the Universe, by Rufus Wainwright
Current Mood: tired, weird
But I did know that the night could still be a ton of fun and good story telling at the least. I was definitely right. Among other things, there were the shirtless bartender sightings on the dancefloor level of the bar and nice chats with some random friendly guys about their Oscar parties. The highlight of the evening, however, was when a friend of Kam's was talking to some guy who turned to me and said, "Oh, you're single? My brother's here, he's straight, we should introduce you!!" This could be interesting and/or funny, I thought to myself... let's see what happens. Onward we go, through the crowded bar until suddenly we run into this guy's brother, and we're all standing around in an awkward circle, shaking hands, exchanging names. Then, quickly, almost in a whisper, the guy turns to me and says "Oh there's just one thing! My brother doesn't speak English." From here, the whole situation kind of slowed down in my mind and became kind of like a dream sequence (you know, when nothing really makes sense and new characters arrive out of nowhere and the next thing you know you're in a completely different place). All I know is that Kam, buzzed off her 3/4 of a beer, comes up with "I don't like the white car" (apparently the one line of Spanish she knows), and I'm just blank. I don't even remember what happens next except that we acknowledge that the guy was actually pretty good looking (not sure if it was the vodka talking though) and it could be hilarious to try and have a "Love Actually" Colin Firth moment with him. Well, that never happened, because like I said, weird dream sequence, and suddenly we were back where we started and I have no idea what happened to the Spanish guy. Such is my luck, I suppose. The one straight guy in the establishment and he doesn't speak a lick of English! Whoo!
So I guess it should come as some surprise that after that night I would consider going back to a gay bar, let alone less than a week later (!). Last night, I was forewarned about the venue but was enticed by the prospect of playing Family Feud hosted by a drag queen. What I didn't actually understand was that we would actually be on stage, like, as the entertainment for the bar. I thought it'd just be good ol' trivia style that involved everyone at their booths and tables, but noo, it was actually real game show style, and we'd been pre-registered as one of this week's teams.
In a strange turn of events, Kam's gay friend who was supposed to be out with us backed out last minute, leaving 4 straight girls on a Family Feud team named "The Asians." Luckily, this bar was slightly less crowded than the previous one, and it seemed to be just a few regulars hanging around, and we didn't have to worry about being laughed off the stage or anything. Once I settled into my free drink, I was actually excited about playing the Feud!! After all, isn't it everyone's dream to actually participate in one of the best game shows ever? The sad part was "The Asians" were terrible and we were embarassed by our opponents. That also meant I didn't get a chance to play the speed round, one of my favorite parts of the game. It was still a great time, though, and probably the closest I'll get to real game show fame, unless I decide to go out to Cali again to play the Price is Right before Bob Barker turns 150 years old.
Let me ask you this, though. If you were to name a character from "Sesame Street" and you were up at the podium playing the Feud, who would you pick? (That is, which character would you expect to be the #1 answer?) I said Big Bird and I thought we would own the board. BAAAAA (wrong!!), Big Bird was the #5 answer! Robbery!! (Oscar was #1) I'm not sure who was polled in this survey but I guess it made sense after hearing some of the previous questions. "Monkey" and "Tarzan" appeared as the top answers to the question "Name something that you see in a tree," while "Cat" did not (Cat was Kam's answer, which was a bad face-off answer, but still a somewhat sensible choice).
Anyway, that's my gay bar update. Although Lavenia, the beautiful drag queen host, insisted we come back to play the Feud again, I'm not sure that I should begin to become a regular just yet. I've already told Kam and her friends that the next time we go out it will have to be at a place where the good looking men we see are actually potentially interested. I didn't mind not waiting in line for the ladies' room, though...
Current Music: Across the Universe, by Rufus Wainwright
Current Mood: tired, weird
Another Gmail pitch...
Gmail rules. This pitch is courtesy of the Onion. It's pretty funny, though it might be a "You have to have gmail to understand" thing... But since I'm on the subject, for those of you who have yet to join the Gmail club, I have 50 invitations waiting to be given out (this is the closest I'll ever get to being a frat boy), and I promise you won't be disappointed!! Join the Gmail revolution. It's the best. Inquire within.
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