Feb 7, 2005

Runner's High

Huan and I went for our longest run ever downtown Saturday, starting out along the mall toward the Capitol, swinging back around and cutting over to the Tidal Basin and around the Jefferson Memorial, along the river toward the Lincoln, across Memorial Bridge and back, then finally past the Lincoln and back up to finish right by the Washington Monument ("pencil") and WWII memorial. It was somewhere right around a 7-miler, a distance I once would never have considered let alone actually complete. It was really amazing, though, and for the first time I experienced what I believe they call "Runner's High." Somewhere right around the 6-mile mark when I was on the Memorial Bridge, I felt this sudden feeling of euphoria and this amazing jolt of adrenaline. It was kind of out-of-body; my legs felt like they were moving on their own, the movement was natural and easy, and I felt better then than I had at any other point on the run. It was like I had to remind myself where I was and what I was doing. I finally, if only for a moment, figured out why it is that runners really love to run. The feeling during that runner's high and the feeling after you've finished a run is one of such undescribable satisfaction. It's really incredible to push your body and mind to a limit you never thought you could achieve. Pretty cool feeling.

Current Music: Across the Universe, by The Beatles
Current Mood: great

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