Feb 3, 2005

Chicks and sports (cont'd)

So Auddie has a SUPERBOWL PARTY to go to on Sunday. First of all, who throws co-ed Superbowl parties in 6th grade? Really now. These kids...

Yes, that means it's a boy who invited this other girl, and she was allowed to invite two other friends, and Auddie is one of them. We were sitting at dinner when she tells me this, so immediately I'm like "What are you guys going to do? Because clearly you aren't going to watch that game for 3 hours..." And she's all "Eat! Play!!" And I kind of give her an eye roll or something, so she insists that "she'll learn" as she watches it (again). So I go straight into trivia mode and am like, "Do you even know who's playing?" (She did.) And then she shares with me that a touchdown is worth 6, the kick after that is 1, and a kick by itself is 3, and if you get tackled in your own endzone it's 2. I quickly reminded her that knowing how the scoring works doesn't do much in terms of overall knowledge of the game.

Sigh... well, we'll see what comes of this "Superbowl party." I guess I'll be happy at all if they are watching the game and not up to some freaky spin the bottle or whatever the kiddies are doing these days. On another note, I'm kinda feeling like a reject because my 11 year old sister has Superbowl plans and as of yet, I do not. Man oh man... she's going to be a handful.

Current Music: All at Once, by Pete Yorn
Current Mood: quite good

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

phew! i finally finished reading them all. and by the way, auddie is already a handful. she better not play spin the bottle. i didn't have my first kiss until i was 18 (yea, yea, send me messages about how i am ugly and no boys like me), so she will have to wait until she's 20. mira will wait until she's 22...or later.

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