Mar 5, 2006

Writer's Block

Just as I thought my blogging inspiration was back, I've been staring at this blank screen for a good five minutes thinking about my next post. Chalk it up to the rut I feel like I'm in or blame it on my bad case of whooping cough, but I've got nothin..nothin good, anyway.

I guess since the Oscars are on tonight and there's no "Grey's Anatomy" to look forward to, I can discuss that a bit. Since I've actually seen a number of the movies, I'm pretty excited to see who takes home the awards. I've been a big "Brokeback" fan since I saw the movie, and since I got a haircut yesterday in which the stylist fully blew out my hair and made me look like Anne Hathaway did in the movie (i.e., a Texas beauty queen in the 70s), it must be a sign that it will live up to all its Oscar hype. However, I did finally see "Walk the Line" a couple nights ago on DVD and was thoroughly impressed by both Joaquin and Reese's performances, particularly the fact that they sung every note heard in the movie.

Other than that, I'm rooting for any award for "The Constant Gardener" (definitely one of my favorites all year) and rooting against "The History of Violence" (might have been the worst movie I paid to see that received so much critical acclaim). "Syriana" was pretty good but frankly, it confused me, and "Good Night and Good Luck" was brilliantly done but ultimately difficult for me to connect with. David Straithairn did an amazing job in his role as Edward R. Murrow though, and I think the Best Actor category will be one of the toughest to pick tonight.

Anyway, as my dad and Huan currently argue as to whether or not Jessica Alba is actually hot, I'm going to kick back and enjoy the show...


maitai said...

she's not that hot, but she did look good tonight!

Anonymous said...

There was actually a debate? As in disagreement? Wha?

Anonymous said...

not hot, sorry. she is a little too ghetto for my taste. she looks kind of dirty.

Anonymous said...


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