Mar 7, 2006


"TGIM?" was the beginning of the subject line of an e-mail that I, along with all my coworkers, received this afternoon, alerting us to our new company-wide dress code.

Apparently after reviewing employee survey results from '05, one of the higher-ups made the decision to "relax" the work environment and allow Casual Fridays everyday. Yippee! Granted, the definition of Business Casual in my bureau was already pretty relaxed before, but now that we can roll in wearing jeans (so long as they are "neat, clean, and unripped") whenever we want is pretty freakin' sweet. It was definitely the highlight of the day, and I'm sure the new policy will make going to work that much more pleasurable, at least for the immediate future and before the novelty wears off. I know all you people with the artsy-fartsy jobs (or the young and fun corporate jobs) who never considered not wearing jeans are just scratching your head at this one, but I myself am pretty psyched! No more thinking ahead about how I'll rotate and match my dress pants and tops for the upcoming week. And a great excuse to shop for new jeans!

1 comment:

maitai said...

actually, yes! it was a knitting show i recorded HAHA. but we were really getting together for the oscars.

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