Oct 5, 2005

One year and still going strong!

Well, since I haven't much to blog about, I'll babble. I just realized it's been a year and one day since I decided to enter the blogosphere and change my life forever (by merely fueling my addiction to the computer and Internet). Remarkably after all that time I still am finding things to say. So for that, I wanted to say thanks for any and all who read this.

For some time capsule material, let me add a few current-events bullet points:

-Celeb news: Oh god, just when I thought TomKat was out of the news, they bounce back with Hollywood's latest out-of-wedlock pregnancy. (Hey, at least Kenny & Renée didn't make the same mistake.) I don't really have anything else to say on that. Blagh.

-TV: Ok, it's a given that TV is taking over my life. I'm trying to take serious steps to address this problem, but meanwhile, another show has captured my attention. With seemingly dozens of new series premieres entering lineups this fall, it was hard to capture the attention of viewers who, for the most part, already had their favorite shows picked out. My parents, on the other hand, who are casual TV channel flippers, happened to catch the Pilot of "Commander in Chief" and they couldn't stop raving about it. So I thought I'd tune into the encore as well as the second episode last night. I thought it would be terrible and cheesy (ok, it's a little cheesy), but it's actually quite entertaining and I'm definitely going to keep tuning in, at least for now.

The whole ad campaign that said "This Fall... a woman will be President" was actually inspiring, though at the same time a bit sad, because you realized it was a TV show and the Prez. was Geena Davis, who for some reason I can only remember from "A League of Their Own." On the other hand, despite some occasionally poor makeup, she's great in the role, to the point where you're like "Wow, I would vote for Geena Davis..." (Just like we'd all vote for Martin Sheen.) They threw a couple funny Hilary jokes into the script, too, and all of the First Gentleman scenes definitely had me laughing. Finally, they couldn't have cast a better bad guy/resident jerk than Donald Sutherland.

-Books: I'm currently reading Oprah's latest Book Club selection, A Million Little Pieces, by James Frey. It's the first time I've been on the same page (hah!) as my pal Ope, so I'm pretty excited. More on that later.

-Blogger: Drumroll, please..... On the one year anniversary of "Watch out for the Po-Po," let us welcome the newest member of the blogosphere, Kam! Yes, that's right, you've seen her comments (some of them obscene) and you've read my shoutouts. Now it's time to hear directly from Kam about her amazing adventures in knitting. Don't be fooled-- knitting is not for old ladies anymore!! Kam will prove it to you. I guarantee after looking at some of the photos she's posted of her work, you'll be begging her for a Christmas gift!! Congrats, Kam, and welcome! :)

Current Music: The Hardest Part, by Ryan Adams & The Cardinals

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