Oct 19, 2005


Today I received an e-mail containing the link to an absolutely hilarious Rachael Ray drinking game. That's right, folks, booze up with Food Network and you'll be ready to party in no time!

I won't post the whole thing, but here are some highlights of the rules:

"EVOO" -- 1 drink
"Yummo" -- 1 drink
"Delish! -- 1 drink
"How ____ is that?" -- 1 drink
*comes back from refrigerator carrying too many ingredients -- 2 drinks
*drops something on her way back -- whole drink
*fails to provide measurement and tells you to "eyeball it" -- 1 drink
*wears anything midriff-revealing -- 3 drinks

Oh Rachael, you're so awkward but somehow we still adore you... and yes, we'll forgive you for the FHM photo shoot, too. (You can google that one yourselves!)

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