Talk about intense! There were far too many details to absorb in the one hour of intense drama, not to mention they didn't even get to anything about the people on the hijacked raft! This is definitely one of those good DVD shows. The episodes never get old because you can watch and rewatch each one to overanalyze every little thing.
Tonight, for example, when Jack first enters the hatch he sees the number 108 scrawled all over the walls. No big deal, right? Lost fanatics will soon realize that 4+8+15+16+23+42 = 108, and as we all know, the numbers 4 8 15 16 23 42 have appeared in some form in many other episodes. Read and discuss more here if you are really into the crazy theories and all the number madness.
I'm surprised I've gotten into this show so much considering I'm not usually a fan of the "supernatural" stuff. I mean, the mysterious-black-cloud-of-smoke-monster-thing? Not my style. But for whatever reason, I'm hooked to this show. I think it's because the writers did a really good job on emphasizing character development and making sure the viewers are committed to the people, first and foremost. That way, the storyline, while farfetched, is based upon characters we relate to or at least feel invested in.
Speaking of characters, here's a nice chance to post a photo of my favorite fella and the hottest island-dweller, Charlie Salinger-- oops, I mean... Jack Shephard. Hey-- how about that hair in tonight's episode flashback? Great wig, folks. Thank goodness the doc got a buzz cut for the island...
On that note, and with other season premieres yet-to-come, fall is here! One doesn't need the autumnal equinox to ring in the season (although tomorrow does officially mark the beginning of the fall season); you know it's here when your days are again dictated by the TV guide. (I know i sound like an addict, but I know most of you agree!!) So while we lament the end of the long days of summer, we have all-new television to ease us into the colder months... should be a goodie!
Current Music: Golden Slumbers, by The Beatles
Current Music: Golden Slumbers, by The Beatles
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