Aug 17, 2005

Happy Birthday, auntie!

Happy Birthday to my mom's youngest sister, Co Dung ("Zoong"), a fellow Leo and mom of the twins, Max & Mira.

Max & Mira were at the house today, and when they walked in, I asked "Do you know what today is??" to which they responded, "Mommy's birthday!" Then I proceeded to ask Max, "Do you know how old Mommy is??" and with a straight-face (leading me to think he actually believed it) he replied "Twenty-nine." I even joked with him-- did the whole "What? She's 12? or is she 130??" thing-- but when I finally and seriously asked again, he said his mom was in fact, a mere twenty-nine. Got to give you credit, Co Dung, for still being able to pull that off!! After all, I do still think of you as that hip, twenty-something aunt of yesteryear. ;)

And as a tribute to that wonderful era, here's one of my favorite photos of you from our glory days spent at Myrtle Beach. I figured the only way you'd let me get away with posting a bikini shot of you was if it was from 1985! Hehe...

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Current Music: Chicago, by Sufjan Stevens

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