Jan 12, 2009

Starting anew? week 1 & 2...

I was recently convinced to participate in a 52-week self-portrait project for Flickr. My cousin, Maitai113, is doing a daily 365-day project but I didn't want to get overly-ambitious just yet. So for now, I'll be posting one photo a week to my 52 weeks/2009 set. The rules are simple: the photo has to be taken by me, and some part of me (however small) must be in the photo. I decided that in conjunction with this project on Flickr, I'll also be blogging the photos here. That way, I'll have some sort of visual and written documentation of my year, and it will at least guarantee a blog post a week! Everyone wins!

For starters I'll post the first two weeks in this post and go from there... Enjoy, all, and Happy New Year! So far, '09 is looking pretty good and I couldn't be more excited about what's ahead.

week 1: 1/1 - Happy New Year!
This is my first selection, taken just seconds after midnight on January 1, 2009. You can see my hand in the left-hand corner of the photo, holding a glass of champagne to toast the new year.

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week 2: 1/10 - ski weekend in Seven Springs
This is a shot of me and my sister, Auddie, on the ski lift at Seven Springs. About 20+ of us (family & friends) took over the mountain and spent a nice weekend there.

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Stay tuned! We still have 50 weeks to go!

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