Nov 1, 2005

Happy Halloween!

This past weekend was filled with lots of Halloween spirit! Here are some fun photos (thumbnails) to guide you through the festivities...

I started out with a trip to NYC to hang out with Kyle, the cutest baby ever, and to see his other young friends.
Here they are--all six of them--at a Halloween brunch. From left to right we have a pea in a pod & a chili pepper (twin girls), a fish, Darth Vader & Yoda (twin boys), and last but definitely not least, Kyle the bumblebee:

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And because he's just so adorable and squeezable, here's a close-up of the bumblebee:

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Yesterday was my last day at Treetop, so naturally I got all decked out in costume to go out with a bang on Halloween. Since I'm all about the homemade costumes, and since The Incredibles seemed to be a popular and sold-out store selection anyway, I put in a few arts & crafts hours last week to prepare for Halloween. (So did the twins' mom, who appears here as a toxic crayon!) Along with Batman (Max) and Snow White (Mira), here I am as Violet, the Incredible:

Finally, as part two of my costume-making work this year, I present Auddie as a Pepsi can (with her other mealtime friends):

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Current Music: One More Night, by Stars

1 comment:

maitai said...

i am so jealous that i wasn't there to see it :(

billie would've enjoyed going out w/auddie and co. as the other hot dog

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