Jul 4, 2005

Happy 4th of July!

Oh, what a great summer holiday! I hadn't seen the fireworks downtown in at least five years or so, and tonight reminded me just how great it is. This year's experience was particularly breathtaking because of our location right on 17th street (facing one of the sides of Constitution Hall). When the fireworks started shooting off, we immediately realized how close we were-- the crackling and exploding sounds were echoing in our ears, and the fireworks seemed to be raining down on us. It's really amazing to get the 3-D effect from the fireworks-- almost as if they're going to touch you-- which is less apparent if you're watching them from afar or even on TV. While I'm not usually one to be super patriotic, I actually was feeling a lot of American pride during the show... I guess there's something about celebrating in your nation's capital that evokes those feelings. Or maybe I'm a huge cheeseball.

Here's a shot from where we were sitting...

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Current Music: America, by Simon & Garfunkel
Current Mood: patriotic

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