Mar 9, 2009

Week 10: Spring Forward!

This week's post will feature three (3), count 'em three self-portraits.

To kick off March, the weirdest weather month ever, DC had its biggest snowfall of the year. This was me on my walk to work last Monday, March 2:

Only a few days later, the snow melted as the temps rose, and here I am on Saturday, March 7:

You can't tell, but I'm wearing flip flops and loving it. That's me with Cleo. She belongs to John's sister, Meg, and is a very cute and lovable german shepherd mix. John was dogsitting Cleo this weekend, and since the weather was so nice, we spent some time on his back patio enjoying some beers and food. It was my personal highlight during what was a very lovely "Spring Forward" weekend. Despite losing an hour on Sunday and waking up to pitch black (again) this morning, it was pretty amazing to see daylight at 7 pm today.

Finally, last night I was home in Springfield for a belated family dinner celebrating Huan & Molly's birthday. Had to throw in this SP for kicks -- add it to the "Classic Pouy face" collection.


maitai said...

fabs weather. that second one is an SP? self-timer?

Pouy said...

yep, self-timer!

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