Feb 9, 2009

Week 6: A Beautiful Winter's Day

This past weekend we enjoyed some unseasonably warm weather in DC, so my cousin Mai and I decided to take advantage of it, motivate each other and go for a nice run downtown. We headed to the national mall as part of our DC funsies day, part 2.

So the run wasn't quite as productive as we would have hoped (net running time ~25 minutes), but we still got our legs moving and broke a sweat, which, in the end, was probably a good warm-up for our out-of-shape winter bodies.

Really the day was about enjoying the weather, taking in more of DC's landmarks, and of course, embarrassing ourselves silly. Give us a couple cameras and that's what we do best!

I'm a giant!! This photo took a zillion takes and a few location changes before I got it just right.

A classic, jumpity self-portrait (courtesy of remote shutter and Mai's new Gorillapod). Just imagine the looks we got from all the other tourists walking by!

*Editor's note: Neither of these photos are self-portraits by me, and thus neither is my actual Flickr self-portrait selection of the week. They were just my favorites of the day.


maitai said...

heh swizz day!! you do look like a giant - best picture ever. we should make this a weekly (bi-weekly?) tradition!

Anonymous said...

i have a gorillapod- they are awesome!

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