Apr 3, 2006

24 vs. the National Championship?

Count on Tony Kornheiser to accurately reflect everyone's feelings on the 24 vs. NCAA b-ball final tonight... Thank goodness for Tivo/DVR though, right?

By the way, did anyone else know that Jack Bauer's given name is...
Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland? That's a ridiculous number of names, but they're all pretty sweet!!!

Late-night update:
Ok, so the game was kinda boring (except One Shining Moment, of course) and 24 wasn't bad. But the question is: as ridiculous and unbelievable as 24 is on a regular basis (I loved how Jack escaped the natural gas plant unscathed, while Bierko was on the brink of death), I feel like they may have officially "jumped the shark" tonight when they revealed the latest mole. But naturally, I'll continue to eagerly tune in...

1 comment:

maitai said...

i dint believe it until i checked imdb! yikes, that's a long name!

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