Nov 3, 2009

Week 44: Happy Halloween!

As of about 3 days before Halloween, neither John nor I knew what we were going to do for Halloween. John came up with the last minute idea to go as the Squirrel Crasher couple, popular among nerds who follow Internet memes, but after some focus group testing/surveying, it occurred to us that not everyone would "get it" and it would also be difficult to pull off with a photo of a squirrel on a stick as our only real prop.

While watching this week's episode of "The Office," I found myself laughing hysterically at Andy Bernard, then immediately looked over at John and realized they had some similarities - not just in wardrobe but in goofy behavior and mannerisms. We decided to abandon Squirrel Crashing and go with John as Andy Bernard, and me as my recycled Alvin costume from Halloween '07 (which turned out well because it was an entirely new group of people).

After heading out in public, it basically appeared like John was coming straight from work and escorting me during trick-or-treating. But the Nard-dog came through with some choice quotes and a few bars of acapella to truly put himself into character. As for me, I got some love from some kids in the street, in addition to having to refresh some 20-something memories as to everyone's favorite childhood chipmunk. Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

maitai said...

at least you got to wear all of that american apparel gear again, right? heh

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